Deep Dive Awakening Process
Most of us walk around telling stories about ourselves…
I’m not good enough.
I can’t do that.
I’m unloveable.
I should be more this or less that.
You no doubt have your own versions of these stories.
These stories are old messages, coping mechanisms usually put in place during childhood that evolved to keep you safe.
They sound and feel real, and we believe them and think this is who we are. But these messages aren’t true. Not even close.
So why would you let them run your life?
My Deep Dive is a 4-6 month process involving what I call ‘shadow mining’ to cut through these messages and get to the truth of who you really are.
I’ll help you put in place a mature adult - what I call a King/Queen - who is driving your life instead of letting those internal limiting messages from your childhood run things (and run them badly).
We’ll clear out any old obstacles and get you connected to your inner compass that will always guide you to live from a healthy, present moment awareness.
This process will give you the tools to deal with situations that trigger you, because your King/Queen and compass make it easier to stay grounded in the truth of who you are. If you do get swayed (and you will, this is not about perfection), you’ll be able to return to your truth more quickly and with more grace and ease.
Ultimately this process allows you to see the “what is” of a situation without any stories, and from that, the next indicated step becomes clear. It’s a new blueprint for living.
It’s time for a new blueprint
“Initially I feared the process might be really intense in an unsettling way, but it was actually incredibly rewarding, and I feel emotionally cleaner and crisper as a result.”
The process is not for everyone. It requires a degree of consciousness and awareness (the ability to feel and locate emotions or just ‘ickiness’ in your body). If you feel any concern about being able to do this, be comforted in that I will teach you.
There is also obviously a commitment, though the process is completely under your control with my guidance and can be done at whatever pace you want. My preference is to meet every 1-2 weeks for the first three months, then every 2 weeks after that until completion, with each session being a 50 minute clinical hour.
If you feel drawn to the process, read on for an outline of how we’ll work together.
Who is this process for?
Outline of the process
Rediscovering the King/Queen
The first step is for you to understand how important it is to have a King/Queen driving your internal world - driving the bus of your life so to speak - rather than letting the ego (your coping mechanisms) dictate your life.
I will help you recognise those moments you’ve already been in Queen/King in the past - when you’ve felt awake, in a state of flow, creative and confident. We want to ground that experience in your body so you can recognise when you are in King/Queen instinctively. That experience in your body is the new blueprint in your cells that you will be living from in the future.
Creating supportive structures
Then we will put a simple structure in place in your current life that supports your King/Queen making moment-to-moment choices. I’ll show you some tools to track how you’re doing.
Connecting to your compass
As your Queen/King gains more power and presence in the first few sessions, together we’ll get you connected to your inner compass/gifts so you’re clear on what you serve.
Going ‘shadow mining’
While the ‘shadow mining’ I mentioned earlier happens sporadically in the previous stages, it happens in earnest from here on in. We’ll go looking for the coping mechanisms that are blocking you, discover their roots and transfer their power to your King/Queen.
If you’re done suffering under the old messages that have plagued you your whole life, keeping you small and stuck in the past or the future, my Deep Dive process will give you a new blueprint to live by.
Ready to make an appointment?
Here’s what people are saying about my Deep Dive Process
”Your technique of helping me to dig down, find and truly understand the source of the dysfunctional thoughts and behaviours was most helpful in allowing the opening of the ‘space’ to think and behave differently. Life is different, better, easier, more joyful.”
“With considerable empathy and compassion, Garth helped me understand in my heart that my thoughts about myself and my place in the world are not who I am and what I offer. I have become acutely aware that my thought and behavioral patterns were a response to emotionally difficult experiences as a child but they were now the source of my suffering. I live more freely each day as I leave this perceived safety net behind. I am forever grateful for Garth, he has truly helped me.”
“I thought some of these aspects of my personality that triggered me, I would be dealing with them forever. But after this process they are gone. If I go searching for them, I can find them. But to no longer be triggered and driven and controlled by my beliefs, it's very freeing.”
“Working with Garth has been like explaining me to myself. In a few short months, we’ve untied knots and solved mysteries dating back decades to my childhood - a quite unexpected and welcome bonus. I have more freedom, energy and clarity about who I am and what I’m doing in life.”
“I am so grateful I completed the process with Garth. It has been of immense value to me, and I notice its effects every day. I am still quite amazed at how it actually worked. Initially I feared the process might be really intense in an unsettling way, but it was actually incredibly rewarding, and I feel emotionally cleaner and crisper as a result. Week by week, Garth helped me dig a little deeper to source the root of my personal obstacles that kept arising. Remarkably, this exposing of the root then helped to disintegrate the issue. I truly believe everybody would benefit from this work. Garth has an incredible ability to make you feel safe and worthy. If you are wanting to dismantle any old parts of yourself that simply don't serve you, I couldn't recommend this more highly.”