Clear your obstacles and express your essence, love and gifts into the world

Are you dancing to everybody else’s drumbeat instead of your own?

Perhaps you’re feeling like a hamster on a wheel and you know there’s something missing?

Or maybe you’re tired of living in the past or the future and wanting to be more present?

As a counsellor with more than 20 years experience, I can help you break free from what’s holding you back from living a full and awakened life.

We come into this world with a clear lens of pure innocence, endless love and peacefulness. But as we grow up, our essence can get clouded with the well-meaning but damaging voices of unconscious parents, our community and culture. We lose that precious connection to our truth.

But you are not the messages you’ve been told about yourself.

We are all born awake

I can help you dig down to the source of the obstacles holding you back and keeping you in an endless loop of suffering.

Then find your inner compass, which will always point you to the truth of who you are and guide you to make decisions from a place of presence and consciousness.

Follow your own inner compass

My services

My counselling practice is exclusively online via Zoom sessions.

“I found each session to be a transforming experience. The growth, the insights, and the personal development I experienced in each hour with Garth rivalled any experience I have ever had.”

Ready to make an appointment?